An elegant weapon, for a more civilized age.
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An elegant weapon, for a more civilized age.
Last updated
Lightsabers are the main weapon used on TGB. With the varity of colors, lightsabers will most likely be your main weapon and the staple of your protection against the elements and creatures you may face.
You must first complete the quest line, So You Wanna be a Jedi? quest line. The quest line will reward you with the warp to unlock Ilum planet and you will meet Yoda on Ilum. When it is your first time going to Ilum, you will need to complete The Crystal Caves quest which will show you how to obtain your first Kyber Crystal.
After that, the same quest So You Wanna be a Jedi? quest line will show you how to design a lightsaber hilt. You will then obtain your first lightsaber!
In order to craft a saber, you must craft the hilt of your choice, single or double for now.
After crafting the hilt. you must craft a Kyber Crystal, with Kyber Shards. Kyber shards can be obtained on Ilum.
To get a red crystal, you must hold a crystal of your choice and use the command /bleedcrystal but you have to have the following first:
15k in money
66 Levels of Experience